Nov 12, 2013

Meet Elfie: Our Elf on the Shelf

This is Elfie, she is our new Elf on the Shelf for this Holiday Season.  Prior to this I never really got into the whole Elf on the Shelf trend and tradition with my kids mostly because my cheap ass thought that it was too expensive. ($29.99 for a small un-poseable elf...WHAAAAAT?)  My mom and I were browsing at Target the other day and she brought up the fact that she thought it would be a good idea to use this tradition to keep my (occasionally) unruly kids in check during the Holiday.  After a lot a bit of complaining about how expensive it was, she agreed to go halfsies with me on the elf -- I agreed.  

I was going to keep Elfie in the box and hidden until after Thanksgiving but yesterday, after practically a week off from school, they were bouncing off the walls and acting like little savages.  Out came the box and the elf out of the box.  Alayna knew what Elf on the Shelf was about since some kids in her class had one, so we explained the tradition to Olivia and read the story that went along with the elf.  I told my girls the reason Elfie came yesterday was to introduce herself and to get a name.  We all went online and entered her information into the computer and amicably agreed upon the name Elfie. (JOKE, JOKE! They fought for 10 minutes.)   We also wrote a note for Elfie to take back to the North Pole with her asking for a second Elf from Santa, so mommy needs to shell out more money for a second elf all because we couldn't agree on one effin name for this little guy....  So hopefully when Elfie comes back the day after Thanksgiving, mommy would have gotten a good deal on a second Elf on the Shelf on Black Friday, or I will be in a lot of trouble.

Oh, and yes -- Elfie was originally a boy.  Except my girls weren't happy with that so we made him a girl and ordered him an Elf on the Shelf skirt.  So now I have an Elf with a sexual identity crisis...whatever!

So welcome to our home, Elfie.

I am now going to relax on the couch with the remote, the curtains open and my coffee.  Today marks the first New Jersey snowfall of the year and I'm going to enjoy how beautiful it looks.  Mommy deserves relaxation time since the kids are back in school after 6 days of being off for various reasons.