Jan 9, 2014

My 2014 Theme Word: Believe

I decided to choose one word for the year 2014 to focus on and really try to model myself and my life after.  I scribbled down a list of probably 15 words that I thought were important to me, but as I kept reading the list believe kept sticking out to me.  The reason why is very simple; I need to believe more in myself and what I can do with my life.

Instead of constantly putting myself down, I plan to think about something I love about myself and work on building that up along with points that aren't so strong.  It's hard to change a mindset you have had for over 10 years, but it's possible to do and I believe it would be a very strong shift for me in my life.  I really need to stop second guessing myself or being too chicken to do things that I know I can do, I need to have faith in myself and take chances.

When the clock hits midnight on 01/01/15, I want to feel like a new person.  I really want to have more faith in myself, I want to know that I really tried to accomplish my goals to my full potential and I want to look at myself in a whole new light.  I don't want to feel down on myself or disgusted with my life choices, I want to feel like I can do absolutely anything that I set my mind to. 

What is your goal word for 2014?