I finally received my two new ring mandrels that I got from Finding King! I got 2 of them for such a great low price, it was crazy! I'm so excited that I can go ahead and start making rings again and sizing them properly! My old ring mandrel got so messed up when my daughter knocked it over and my dog got a hold of it. *ahem = this is why I need to clean my studio and actually use it* But I am happy that my new ones finally came, and now I have an extra just in case! :) I just really need to clean my studio and actually start using it so that I can organize everything. (I need Clean House)
I did more with my Valentines Day cards today. I got one partially finished. I have to let it dry and I have to get a thin sharpie to go over the quote outline inside. It's very simple but still stylish. I really like it and really can't wait to put it in the shop. I also have visions of other ideas for Valentines Day cards that I am going to start soon. (Tonight or tomorrow.)
I am watching Peter Perfect, right now. I sometimes like the show, it's interesting to see how they makeover shops and very interesting to see how that creative change is what really catches the customer's attention. I think it also relates to online stores and their design very much; but I digress... Today, the episode is about a family who runs an art shop/studio. That caught my attention because I am a former art student and an artist who loves all mediums and all forms of art. It was always my dream to start an art studio and teach art classes, so this is so interesting to me. What Peter felt when he painted for the first time in this episode is what I wish everyone could feel. It's what I've learned is one of the most amazing feelings ever. Feeling in control, feeling creative, being in your own little "creative zone" and thoughts, ideas, etc... just coming to your mind. It's such a great calm and such a great feeling! I really can't wait to see how this studio turns out.I also heard of this really cool idea from another blog, I can't remember which one, unfortunately. However, it pays you to use Twitter and to "Tweet" certain adds. I've come to see that a lot of them are fun adds, like Etsy shops or other independent shops and definitely blogs. I've found some great blogs and some great Etsy stores from reading the advertisements! It's not a great income, but probably about $30 extra a month at the least. (If you use Twitter often!) I really like it. It's some extra pocket change, that's for sure! It gives you control of how often you want to "Tweet" adds and it doesn't even make it seem like it is actualy an add. It makes it seem like it is a cool site that you found. :) It lets you approve or deny any advertisements that you want or don't want. If you want to learn more about this really cool site, you can click on the image next to the text or you can click on this link. It's worth a try, right? :)
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