Aug 31, 2012

Surviving Vacations with your Little Ones

Since we are on a budget we couldn't do too much this summer but we did go on one trip with my beautiful girls.  We decided to go to a waterpark down the Jersey shore.  It was a small waterpark but so much fun for the kids.  Now that the girls are older and very into vacations, I was only half prepared for the fun ("fun") we had.  Since this experience, I now know more and would like to share my lessons that I have learned.

Pack Snacks and Activities - Even though our drive wasn't too long (only and hour and a half) I had some activities packed to keep the kids busy during the drive.  One thing I've learned is that kids are impatient and the words "Are we there yet?" after the first two times get quite annoying.  I brought along my iPad with plenty of games for my kids and also through my daughter's iPod in there as well. (Along with a pair of ear buds.  As much as I love Angry Birds, the music can grind on your nerves!)  
Snacks are also a must-have... Kids seem to be a bottomless pit and will eat everything in sight, especially on a road trip!  Pack some easy to eat snacks in small ziplock snack bags and store them in a cooler or bag that's easily accessible to the children.  You don't want to have to keep leaning over the front seat to find the snacks for them!  

Bring an extra change of clothes!  This may not apply to everyone but I found out, on this trip, that my 7 year old gets car sick on long trips.  We didn't listen to this rule and ended up having to buy a change of clothes on the boardwalk for her. (Which gets extremely expensive!)  Even if your kids don't get car sick a change of clothes is useful if they decide to get food on their clothes or if their clothes may get wet.

For those who get carsick or just have tummies that may not handle motion or food that well, it's also useful to bring something to calm the tummies.  Culturelle Kids is something that we use daily to make my little girls tummies happy!

Culturelle Kids:

Supports digestion:
  • Helps reduce occasional digestive upset
  • Supports their natural defenses
  • Provides a solution for digestive discomfort and poor health
  • Boosts digestive health which in turn has a positive impact on overall health and immunity
  • Provides ongoing maintenance for a healthy digestive tract
  • 70% of your immune system is in your digestive tract so a healthy and balanced digestive system plays a vital role in strengthening your child’s overall health and well being
  • Trusted by parents
  • Trusted by pediatricians
  •  #1 pediatrician recommended 

Extra Money! When you go on vacations like this it's important to bring cash and change.  ATMs on the boardwalk have extremely steep fees and boardwalk games are very expensive. (I remember when they were $0.50 or $1.00 to play!)  You also never know when a shop you want to go into doesn't accept credit cards, this has happened to me before.  The last thing you want is an unhappy child due to the fact that you can't get cash! :) 

Bring plenty of sunscreen!  We are all very very white and since I sunburn so badly, I don't want to take the chance of my girls doing the same.  We bring plenty of sunscreen and reapply it every half hour.  Maybe I'm just being overly cautious, but I don't want my girls getting sunburn, it's definitely not fun!

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Culturelle Kids.  I was compensated for this post, but all opinions and stories are my own.  Culturelle provided the photo of their product.