Feb 9, 2014

There is a method to all of my productivity and daily madness

I'm going to tell you a secret...
I'm crazy but sort of organized and very productive.  Is that really a secret?
Ok, scratch that...I'm sometimes productive and that's not really a secret at all.
What's the secret to my madness of being a single mother with a full time job?
I'm fanatical about using my favorite iPhone apps to keep me organized.  While I may not be a perfectionist and have a crazy organized house, when it comes to the hours in the day I need to prioritize and utilize my apps or I would go insane. 
Or may I am insane to begin with.
Organizing My Days

Agenda, my calendar app, is my go to app for my main organization and prioritizing my day.  I use different calendars that I set in the native iPhone app for different categories of what I have to organize every day.
Work is blue.
To Do's are green.
Kids are purple.
Important Reminders are brown.
And the list goes on and on...
I love how the categories are put into my main month view as little dots so I can go into the day at anytime and see exactly what I need to get done or remember.  That app has been a huge lifesaver in the past few months.
Organizing My Errands & Reminders Further
I also utilize Any.DO for reminders and categorizing my lists of what I have to do.  I'm able to see what I have to do for the month as a whole and in the categories I place them into. (Blog, Kids, Work, Life, Groceries, Shopping, etc...)  It allows for me to see if I can get something done earlier than the date I wanted to have it done by.
If I have any extra time in my day, which is rare.
I can also have a electronic copy of things that I need to get done for work just in case my paper to-do list gets lost for any reason... or if something is spilled on it. (I blame my kids)
Shopping lists? Since I'm crazy anal about having things categorized into aisles when I'm going grocery shopping I use Grocery IQ.  It allows me to have multiple lists stored for multiple stores while being categorized by aisle, which makes me happy.  I'm just too damn lazy to keep walking back and forth around the store if I forgot something... that's why I like having everything categorized into aisles and organized all nice and neatly. :)
I also use Evernote for my reminders and documents that I need an electronic back up for. 
Am I still stressed even though I prioritize my day and my to-do's?  Of course I am.  There aren't enough hours in the day and I can't split myself between a million places at once.  (It would be cool if I could, that would be my go-to superpower.) 
How do you stay organized and less stressed?