Mar 28, 2009

Another order. :)

As I speak, I am waiting for my chocolate eggs (ChocoEggs) to harden so I can get them out to our customer! That's right, another purchase! That makes me jump for joy to know that business is really picking up. I couldn't be happier. March has been an OUTSTANDING month for me! Though we're just starting out, still at this time, and though we haven't had too many orders, I am very happy that we have what we have. This has definitely been great. My mom and I have been coming up with so many ideas for Sugardust Confections as well as our other stores. My mom was digging out my grandmother's recipes so that we could really get some great ideas! Sugardust is definitely in honor of my grandmother. She was an amazing baker and candy maker. She did everything perfect and we would love to follow in her footsteps. My mom and I have fully stocked our upstairs kitchen (The kitchen we only use for Sugardust Confections) with all of the things that we need and we are so excited!

OhMyCupcake and ThreeSeventeen will also be getting some new products soon. We couldn't be happier at the progress we are making. One thing, we do wish there were more hours in a day so we could get all of this done! The kids are a handful amongst my looking for a job to keep this business rolling until we get a steady flow of income. I primarily work at night on all of this and usually end up pulling all nighters. Whatever gets the work done!

I think the eggs are hardened!


Jennifer said...

Congrats on the success with your business! I hope it continues :)