Sep 21, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Ever since Alayna started pre school, she got involved in activities and I started two jobs (yes TWO) life has been so hectic and I haven't had the chance to blog.  I promise you guys that I have many great giveaways coming up!  I've been working with many companies to bring you only the best product reviews and giveaways.  That will start on Monday! :)  I want to start blogging daily again and I will!  It's just been so hard.  I started a job with from home as well as a freelance writing job that is proving to be a $100 a week income. (Which is really useful on top of my full time online job!)  I'm really enjoying having jobs and being able to do what I want to do with my kids and not be late on bills!  

Starting tomorrow I will be posting daily again! Sorry about leaving you guys hanging!