Aug 2, 2010

We love Miscellany Monday! Coupons, Free Satellite Radio and just LIFE!

1. Are you Sirius?

When I got my new car radio I could have gotten one with satellite radio, but the prices of those radios were so expensive!  I didn't have the extra $200 to spare on top of installation!  However I do love satellite radio for many reasons!  Commercial free music, whatever type of music you want right then and there, there are channels for EVERYTHING.  I love that they have kids music that my kids can listen to as well.   When I found out that you can get a 30 day RISK FREE trial of Sirius Satellite Radio I was so excited!  I can listen to it now whenever I want and for free!  I also love that you can listen to it online OR on your smartphone! (iPhone, Blackberry, etc...)  

Believe it or not, that's how I listen to it in the car!  I hook my AUX cable up to my iPhone/Blackberry and turn on the satellite radio!  It's just plain awesome.  As I said, there is a station for EVERYONE and every type of music!  You can sign up below for the FREE trial!!  As I said, you really should because it's great.  

SIGN UP NOW! :)  You won't be sorry!

2. Everyone Needs Some Extra $!

Making extra money is something that everyone wants these days.  Even if it's just some extra pocket change or smaller amounts that we can put into a savings account for our kids.  Maybe some extra money to go towards bills.  In this economy, it's really hard for everyone financially.  I have been spending long night hours researching ways to monetize my blog or to just make some extra money and I have really found some awesome ways.  I wanted to share them with you guys just in case you're in the same boat I am. 

SponsoredTweets referral badgeSponsored Tweets - I've only been on here for 2 days and I have made $7.50!  I really can't complain because any money is money that can be put towards things we need.  They let you choose your own tweets to publish and they allow you to phrase your tweets on your own, so you're not dealing with pre-written advertisements all over your twitter.  I love that I can choose what would interest ME and my readers.  You also can choose your own price to tweet at! I figure that if I made $7.50 in two days, maybe by the end of the month I'll have something decent.  Either way, it's worth signing up and trying it out!  As I said, anything is more money than you previously had!!

Search & WinSwagbucks - So many people talk about this but I have to do it as well.  I LOVE SWAG BUCKS!!  Earning money just for searching like you would normally do??  I usually end up making approx 150 swag bucks a week and it's so easy to cash those in for money in PayPal, gift cards, iPods, etc...  They add up quickly!  Swagbucks also has random codes every once in a while... The swag bucks toolbar and site will tell you when a code is out and where you can find it.  I really love this because there is really so much you can do with it.  I just recently got money VIA PayPal for cashing in my points.  :)  Sign up and try it out today!

3. Frustration with Kids!!

As I say many times, I love my kids but they drive me INSANE.  Today especially.  I completely went off on them a little earlier because they were not listening.  They had been watching TV peacefully in the living room.  Out of nowhere they start screaming and jumping off the couches.  Wtf?  Ok, so I go in there and ask them to please stop when I get hit by a flying Little People car.  WTF!? I took the car away and went back into the kitchen.  It was quiet for a few minutes before I hear other things getting thrown around.  I go in there and they're throwing everything out of the toy box everywhere.  They started throwing my freaking cell phone too!  I just lost it.  I screamed at them and told them they were never watching TV again as long as they lived.  I unplugged the TV, I took away the toys they were playing with and just had a mental breakdown.  Sometimes they just push me too far and I try to be patient.  I try to be patient so much that sometimes I just can't take it anymore and scream at them.  Worse part is, they don't even give a flying shit!! Does anyone else get to the breaking point sometimes?

4. Great Savings!

I was at Walgreens today to pick up my printer cartridge I was having filled when I decided to stroll down the baby aisle.  GOOD THING I DID!!  I saw that they had 2T/3T Pull Ups on clearance for $3.19!!  Those things are usually $11.00 a pack!  I picked up two for Olivia since we go through them like crazy.  $3.19 is a freaking steal for those!!  I suggest wandering over to your nearest Walgreens and seeing if they have them on clearance there too! 

Also, I have so many people asking me where I get my coupons from.  I google very often brands that I use and find printables that way,  I use the Coupon Mom site as well as the two coupon sites below.  (Cool Savings you DO have to sign up for, but it's worth it since you get some great value coupons!)

Red Plum

Printing out coupons and searching for them may take some time, but it's worth it when you walk out of the store spending 60% less than you usually would!

5. Bachelorette Finale tonight!

I haven't read any spoilers because I did the last two seasons of the Bachelor and I felt that it wasn't the same!  But I'm a little frustrated, this season, that they may have just given away the ending in their commercials/previews.  I really hope they didn't give it up because that would definitely suck. I'm still very excited to watch tonight!  Why do we find others heartbreaks so exciting? LOL