Sep 24, 2009

Taking a 4 year old and 2 year old to the lab to get routine blood drawn is NOT a good idea! lol Not at the same time, at least. That's what my morning consisted of. My mother went with me to help me with the two maniacs, thank God. Getting there, they were great. Sitting in the waiting room, not so much fun. They were so hyper and running and singing. We were the only ones in the waiting room, thankfully, but it just frustrated me because they're usually great quiet kids. Then....came getting INTO the room with the nurses. They made the crazy mistake of taking both the girls at once. I was with Alayna and my mom was with Olivia in the next little cubicle. The nurses were SO good with the girls, but the girls screamed bloody murder. The picture to the left is of Alayna holding her arm. lol She kept saying her arm was "scarred for life". LOL She's better now, but she's a little drama filled princess. (As was her dad, so I know where she gets it from!!)

I worked a lot of the afternoon on Oh My Cupcake and ThreeSeventeen. I spent equal time on both shops. I finished some "bath bombs" (fizzies)
and started to come up with an idea for halloween/fall scented soaps. Thinking about that, I realized I need to order some new oils from my supplier to get what I need. (Though I can do what I need with what I have for now.) As I started to do that, Olivia fell asleep in her high chair. lol She's so adorable. She usually is my little craft helper. lol She doesn't talk much (or at all!) but she lets me know what I should use and what I shouldn't. :D She enjoys helping while Alayna just wants to make her own necklaces or make her own soap or make her own things. She doesn't care too much about helping me. The girls are SO different. Sometimes it's hard to believe they're sisters. hehe. I got a lot of work done and hope to list my new items tomorrow. (Although I already listed some new items on OhMyCupcake today!) I have a lot to get done tonight or tomorrow too. Whenever I can get things done!

I listed some great bath salts on OhMyCupcake. I listed the 4 Sample Pack and also listed my FAVORITE Warm Almond soap. The Warm Almond soap is a jumbo soap bar that smells heavenly. You may want to eat it. :D It will last you a long time since it is a large large bar of soap but is so moisturizing and lathers so smoothly! I really love it myself and my family does as well! Go take a look at it!

31.4 lbs I have lost since the end of July. :) I woke up this morning to find out that wonderful surprise. I am so happy and so proud of myself that I accomplished that. I now feel that I know how to eat normal food (as well as healthy food) and eat the right portions. I know when I am full now and I know I have learned so much. For lunch I made butternut squash soup that I got at Stop and Shop. It's reduced fat and was so great! I felt like I was cheating. :D