Jun 6, 2010

Our Garden Log :) #1

Alayna has been begging me to make a "Garden Log" on my blog.  She and her sister have a little garden that we started on the Saturday before Memorial Day.  They're both so excited and so interested in watching the fruit and veggies grow that Alayna wanted me to take pictures every week and see just how much of a difference it is.  So I obliged!!  This is actually week 2.  I do have pictures taken when we first got the plants too, but I won't post those. 

Strawberries - We have 4 of them so far.

Green Peppers - We have 3 green and 2 red so far!

Tomatoes - We have about 9 of those!

Jalapeno Peppers - We have 4 of these! Yay! My fav.

We also have some beautiful marigolds.

As of now, we have our little "garden" in individual pots on our picnic table.  We weren't sure if we were going to have to move this summer, so until we found out, we didn't want to plant them permanently.  Now that we know we don't have to move, we will be planting them in the ground this week. :)  We have so many other plants to get and hopefully will get out to get them today!  

We still have to weed our yard... This is how it looks now.  Oh yeah, so beautiful. LOL  We don't even have our pool up yet, but weeding our yard has to be done even before we get the pool up.  Mission #1 for today.

The girls love to help out with the plants and can't wait to see the garden grow!